শনিবার, ২০ জুলাই, ২০১৩

Union Pacific Railroad crossing closures set for Tehama County

Five railroad crossings in Tehama County will be closed to vehicular traffic in the coming weeks, including this location at San Benito Avenue in Gerber. ( DN/Rich Greene )

A series of Union Pacific Railroad projects will close roads for 2-day periods in five separate spots across Tehama County beginning Monday, July 22.

The closures affect the railroad crossings at 5th Street (July 22-23) in Tehama, Gerber Road (July 29-30) and San Benito Avenue (Aug. 5-6) in Gerber and Hooker Creek (Aug. 5-6) and Bowman (Aug. 7-8) roads in Cottonwood.

The roads will be closed to all vehicular traffic at 8 a.m. the first day and are scheduled to reopen at 5 p.m. the second day of work.

Tehama County Public Works received a request from Union Pacific in June, notifying the county of the work.

Dates were chosen to avoid conflicting with the first week of school of Evergreen School District in the Cottonwood area.

Public Works Director Gary Antone said his department is working to get the message out as best as possible so drivers know to avoid the areas on the designated work days.

There's a lot of inconvenience that's going to be there, he told the Tehama County Board of Supervisors Tuesday.

During the Bowman Road closure the alternative route using Hooker Creek Road will create a roughly 14-mile detour.

Because of the nature of the work, emergency vehicles will not be able to cross either.

Each project will involve Union Pacific installing a protective barrier across the roadway at the edge of the work zone.

Union Pacific will install new track structure and reinstall concrete crossing pads.

The county is responsible for the road closures and patching new approaches to the crossings.

Union Pacific will also be reconstructing crossings within the city of Red Bluff.

No schedule has been announced for that work yet.

The county worked with Union Pacific on a series of similar projects in 2009.

The county accounted for all labor, equipment and materials and provided a bill to Union Pacific for the work.

Antone said Union Pacific ignored the bill.

UPPR's stance was and continues to be that the railroad is responsible for the tracks and everything else in the road is the county's responsibility,' a staff report reads.

Despite the past, the board authorized the Public Works Director to pursue reimbursement from Union Pacific for the project.

Rich Greene can be reached at 527-2151, Ext. 109 or by email at rgreene@redbluffdailynews.c om.

Source: http://www.redbluffdailynews.com/ci_23684760/union-pacific-railroad-crossing-closures-set-tehama-county?source=rss_viewed

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