বুধবার, ২ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Paris Apple Store raided by four armed men on New Year?s Eve

Paris Apple Store raided by four armed men on New Year?s EveFour armed men raided the Apple Store in Paris on Monday evening with one security guard getting injured in the raid. The robbery took place three hours after the store had closed at a time when police were already stretched looking after New Year?s Eve revelers on Paris? famous Champs Elysee and by the Eiffel Tower. It is thought that the four men escaped with around $1.3 million worth of Apple products.

Christophe Crepin, an Unsa police union official, told Le Parisien newspaper that ?the four hooded and heavily armed criminals made their move very quickly. Most of the police forces were being mobilised to monitor the Champs Elysees, so the robbers have clearly benefitted from this opportunity to strike.? Mr Crepin said the robbers mainly took ?a lot of goods? and very little money. Early estimates were that the haul was worth well over 1 million euros, or close to 1 million pounds.

This is the first ever armed raid on an Apple Store in France. The four masked men were each carrying hand guns and attacked the store?s security guard before loading hundreds of iPhone and iPad devices into a waiting van; they sped off before police arrived at the store. The police are currently studying CCTV and looking for the four suspects. No doubt the black market for Apple products in France will be awash with new devices as the criminals try and cash in on their haul.

Source: The Daily Mail

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/E1gaPsZL490/story01.htm

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