If you want a challenge in 2013, try getting a good job. With high unemployment rates and lower entry-level salaries, many people take what they can get. While no magic trick will get you the job of your dreams, you can greatly improve your chances if you have multiple talents that intersect.
Varied Talent Is Better
You might not expect that jobs for a medieval art lawyer, a French-Canadian copywriter specializing in nutrition, or a customer support representative with experience in film contract administration actually exist, but they do. Specific jobs that require (or, at least, prefer) the intersection of often unrelated skills show up in job listings regularly. They may not be a dime a dozen, but they're far from non-existent. Even when you apply to a job that appears standard, your additional talents?no matter how irrelevant they may seem?can offer you an advantage.
While common advice may dictate that passion and focus on the one thing that you love in life will help you become significantly more employable in that field, that actually lowers your chances. Highly talented, ambitious lawyers make a lot of money?but most lawyers don't. When you try to be the best at one broad thing, you open yourself up to an incredibly large amount of competition where only a small percentage find significant success. When you apply to specific jobs that center around not only your primary talent, but a number of other talents you've never sought to fully promote, you're suddenly a big fish swimming in a small pond. When applying for work, that's the ideal situation. As humans, we have difficulty making decisions when we have too much information. When competing for a job, you could very well be the best fit but when a hiring manage needs to make a decision he or she may not choose you due to information overload. When you have to interview many candidates, it's very easy to only get a small picture of each one. When you have multiple relevant talents, you'll rise to the top and set yourself apart.
Grow the Talents You Already Have
People who've focused on a singular goal their entire life often believe they have a single talent. Most of us, however, have hobbies and other interests. While we might not have the polished skill set required for professional work, growing such an interest to that point is not only easy but something we enjoy doing.
Let's pretend you're a lawyer and you have a few hobbies: cooking, cars, and television dramas. While you can't grill a steak during a deposition, you can cater your services towards restaurants, bakeries, and other food-related establishments, as well as seek out work related to food issues. If you love cars and know plenty about them, that puts you at an advantage when applying for legal jobs at car manufacturers. Auto shows require lawyers as well. Several companies create gadgets for cars, or even the technology behind self-driving cars, and lawyers are certainly needed for that. Lawyers are also consulted on television dramas frequently, and Hollywood loves employing lawyers to fight their many legal battles. While these are just a handful of examples, most career paths have various places where your interests can help you get a job if you grow them into skills you can promote in a job interview and on your resume. Sometimes, these skills can even help you get work when you have no relevant experience.
Companies Like to Take Advantage of Multi-Talented Workers
People who can do more than one thing, whether it's in their job description or not, offer added value to a company. You may have a primary task, like sales, but if you also have design skills you could potentially help the company with promotions. If you work as an assistant but know how to code, you can write an app to automate a lot of your work so you have time to get more things done. When you have an extra skill and you find a way to bring it to the table, you exceed the value of a traditional employee.
This reality has the potential to put you in a bad situation. Multiple talents make it seem like you're capable of doing the job of multiple people. As you're only one person, you'll burn out working two jobs for the cost of one. That aside, it's simply not fair to you or to the person who might be employed if you didn't take on their job as well. While the intersection of talents can help get you hired, it's important to set boundaries in the beginning. Don't take on more work than you can handle, and identify sources of burnout before they can affect you.
Stay Patient
Like with any job search, finding specific work takes time. Use that time to grow your skills and continue to seek out positions that are most relevant to your interests. Generic employees with one great skill, however talented, aren't as attractive in a poor economy because they don't offer a company as much bang for their buck. If you can offer more, you'll improve your chances. Often times embracing generalism leads to better work, anyhow.
Images by iluistrator (Shutterstock), waihoo (Shutterstock), and Leremy (Shutterstock).
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