মঙ্গলবার, ১৮ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১২

And behold, a new user didst appear.

Greetings assorted beings of the internet roleplaying world!

I am the maniacal, malevolent, mortifying, monotonous, over-descriptive Wachiru. I am a firm lover of long walks, mass murders, mayhem, and long walks where I generate mass murder and mayhem.

On a more serious note, I have been roleplaying ever since my dearest cousin bought me the third edition rule-set to DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS (dun dun DUN).
As a result, perhaps to my own misfortune, I tend to prefer, and specialize in combat-esque fantasy roles, though I am beginning to appreciate the subtleties of the "Evil Mastermind"

Yes, yes I will feed you all cookies if you read my introduction...now back on subject.

Due to my occupation in the....*gag, cough cough cough* real world, I find myself displaced from my typical tabletop roleplays, and as a result, I have turned to the internet world... Despite many hardships, such as the rumors that there are no women on the internet, the constant assumption that a female roleplayer is also perfectly willing to strip at any moment, and the lack of mass murder I believe I have been fairly successful in small circles.

After my (tiny) group of guild wars roleplayers vanished, I wondered around the gaming community for a span of time. Seeing nothing but bickering and overbearing rules set down by the popular, and not by the logical, I decided to seek out a new regime in a different URL.

And now, with any luck, I have found you, my future family, friends, enemies, and beings of no disposition...

I look forward to murdering you soon! ^_^

Ahem, pardon the maniac above, tis a side effect of playing too many antagonists... Anyway, Hai, I'm Wachi and it's great to be here, and I'm looking forward to meeting and roleplaying with you soon!


Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/1JBpennMDG4/viewtopic.php

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