বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৭ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১২

Google Maps Street View dives under the waves

Android Central

Do you ever have that moment where you're scuba diving in the south Pacific, and you're wondering "Was I supposed to turn right at the coral reef to get back to the resort, or keep swimming straight?" It happens to me all the time. Luckily Google, as ever, has us covered. The Google Maps team has just released a handful of new Street View locations that are underwater. Various spots along the coast of Australia, the Philippines, and Hawaii can take you down to see some of the wonderful aquatic landscape, wildlife, and flora in the region. You can find some of the more spectacular shots in Google's Street View gallery for the ocean

Looking at stuff like this, it's hard to imagine how iOS or Microsoft intend to outpace Google's progress in the mapping world. Sure, the underwater Street View is more for sightseeing than anything else, but the lengths Google is willing to go for completeness are pretty crazy. 

Any divers in the house? Ever wish you had a waterproof phone with you? 

Source: Google Lat Long

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/androidcentral/~3/vMl3BS3T2ME/story01.htm

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