শুক্রবার, ২৮ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১২

Aftermarket Leads ? Jaguar plays down F-type race car

Jaguar bosses Ratan Tata and Ralph Speth have played down mounting speculation that the new Jaguar F-type will race next year, but have conceded that it is possible.

Reports by leading motorsport website Autosport.com suggested Jaguar is already committed to a GT3 race programme, most likely in late 2013 or 2014, with the final sign-off with a race preparation firm imminent. The deal is reported to be between the Williams F1 team, which is working with Jaguar on powertrain technology already, or experienced sports and touring car preparation.

However, at the launch of the Jaguar F-Type road car at the Paris motor show Speth said: ?There is a lot of speculation, but no decisions. This is a car we can do a lot of things with, and theoretically GT3 racing is one of them. There are no deadlines for a decision, and no dates to make plans ? first, we must launch the road car.?

Tata added: ?The F-Type is a sports car, not a racing car. It has not been built as an introduction to the racetrack, but as a sports car for the road that demonstrates our heritage and abilities.?

See the original post:
Jaguar plays down F-type race car

Tags: jaguar, paris

Source: http://www.aftermarketleads.com/2012/09/jaguar-plays-down-f-type-race-car.html

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