সোমবার, ৩১ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

Must Sugar Be Appropriate Up There With Cigarettes? ? Bread and ...

Sugar is fond of us once we are small. It?s in baby food, cereals, dairy, treats like pudding, jello, Popsicles, sweets, drinks, soft drink, chocolate, yogurt, ketchup, barbecue sauces and pasta sauces. It is every-where and in lots of food items. Read the food labels. Maybe you are amazed by how many grams per serving. Television advertisements focus on kids throughout kids? programming and convince children that products and services with sugar are healthier and advantageous to them. We?re altered and brainwashed at young ages. Just how many times did we hear, ?If you?re good, you can have some chocolate or if your dinner is eaten all by you, you can have dessert?? Sugar and sugar products have become typical in lots of families. Supermarkets are famous for influencing children?s minds. Candy and sugar products are strategically located at children?s eye level. This advertising tactic gets kiddies to cry, beg and whine until our overworked nerves can not manage the noise or discomfort and we give into the pleading. Organizations know how to work the machine and our children.But putting all joking aside, how can this saturation of sugar be fine. Child obesity, kid diabetes is growing uncontrollable. How is feeding kids all this sugar any better than smoking a cigarette by them? Why doesn?t our U. S. Department of Health, Food and Safety crack down on the unhealthiness of sugar and request warning labels or bring it off the store shelves totally? If we are so worried about the rising prices of insurance, we must have our kids eating healthy. Perhaps not serving young ones healthy meals is highly recommended a form of child abuse. Creating good eating habits when children are young will preferably carry within their maturity making healthier people ergo producing with less medical problems.Insurance organizations must certanly be included by asking people on the eating habits like they do with smoking. If smokers need certainly to pay higher insurance fees, therefore should the individuals who indulge in poor eating. How come consuming sugar satisfactory and smoking isn?t? Everyone understands that consuming sugar causes fat which leads to being bad and fat can cause the likelihood of getting diabetes, heart attacks or strokes.Is sugar addictive like cigarettes? I?m guilty of eating sugar. I wish I could drink my coffee each morning without any sugar but I still eat at least 3 teaspoons per cup. Am I hooked or have my tastebuds been sacrificed from my youth and all that cent chocolate we use to consume? It had been a vicious cycle that individuals of my generation sustained. We would drink soda from glass bottles, and then delete the bottles for candy money and more soda. Therefore our environment must change we are something of our environment. Only fruits and veggies must certanly be permitted at children?s eye level in shops. Advertisements throughout children?s programming should really be for true healthy foods. We need to begin now with one of these changes, if we desire to lower insurance costs and the need for medical care. Notice labels need to be placed on sugar and fat causing foods and end marketing foods that are unhealthy. Cigarette ads aren?t allowed on television; let?s do the same with sugar and fat producing ingredients. Restaurants helping sugar and fat creating meals should really be required for legal reasons to offer notice vocabulary alongside these substances that are contained by each item on their menu or not enable them at all. With your changes, we must ideally also see a good reduction in tooth decay and dental treatments expenses. Let?s begin our childhood out on the proper foot with healthier diet plan, let us remove fat causing illnesses. Support me spread the term without more sugar for kids, warning labels on all sugar products and create better eating habits. Let?s hold sugar items away and out of view from our youth, let?s make it illegal. Colleges should provide sugar-free foods and drinks and preach no more than healthy foods. A new foundation can be built by us going forward when we all work and keep together.

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Source: http://www.breadandbutterdesign.co.za/must-sugar-be-appropriate-up-there-with-cigarettes/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=must-sugar-be-appropriate-up-there-with-cigarettes

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