বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৫ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Daily multivitamin can reduce cancer risk for older men

A study has found that multivitamins may reduce the risk of cancer for men over 50. (Fotolia)

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Daily use of a common multivitamin modestly reduces the risk for cancer for men aged 50 and over, according to a study published online last week by the Journal of the American Medical Association.

The research project

  • 14,641 men
  • 7,317 were given daily multivitamins
  • 7,324 were given a placebo
  • Participants were followed for an average of a little more than 11 years.

The results

  • Those taking the multivitamin had an 8% reduction in risk of developing cancer.
  • 2,669 cases of cancer were diagnosed among the participants, including 1,290 of the 7,317 men who took the multivitamin and 1,379 of 7,324 assigned to placebo.
  • The protective effect of multivitamins was stronger in men aged 70 or older, with no parental history of cancer, and in men with a history of cancer.
  • Multivitamin use was associated with a 27% lower cancer risk in men with a history of cancer prior to the study.

Now what?

Studies are still inconclusive as to what this means for women and men under the age of 50.

Before deciding that you are going to start taking any daily vitamins, take a look at your diet. If you?ve already got a good balanced diet, chances are you may not need any vitamins at all.


Source: http://www.ottawasun.com/2012/10/23/daily-multivitamin-can-reduce-cancer-risk-for-older-men

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