মঙ্গলবার, ১৯ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৩

For Affluent Chinese, Africa?s Growing Appeal

While Paris, Milan and Hong Kong are well-known to affluent Chinese, some of them are tiring of the usual luxury enclaves.

For them, says Tianyin Shi, group head of China for Deutsche Bank ?s private wealth management group, Africa awaits.

?I first went to Africa in 2011 and liked it so much that I booked the next trip for 2012 right in the airport lounge,? Ms. Shi says. She and her husband count Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zambia among their recent trips.

Africa is still off the beaten path for most wealthy Chinese, but the continent appeals to a growing number of them, she says. South Africa is one example. It saw more than 60,000 Chinese visits in the first half of 2012, a 68% jump from the same period a year earlier, according to the South African Tourism Ministry. China has already overtaken France as the country?s fourth-largest overseas market.

See more on this at Scene Asia

Source: http://blogs.wsj.com/chinarealtime/2013/02/19/for-affluent-chinese-africas-growing-appeal/?mod=WSJBlog

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